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finnish lakeland: Point of Interest Map
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finnish lakeland

Major Cities

Located near the beautiful lakes Paijanne and Keitele, Jyvaskyla is surnamed the "Athens of Finland". The Harju ridge provides a piece of nature suited for outdoor activities and a superb view over the city center to Lake Jyvasjarvi.

Founded in 1779 on the banks of the Tammerkoski Rapids (one of Finland's official national scenic areas) Tampere is a center for Finnish cultural life with its theatres and events focusing on music, literature, arts and architecture.

Kuopio is a modern economic center in Eastern Finland. In summer you can enjoy Kallavesi Lake by boating, by boarding a cruise, by shooting the rapids, or by going on a fishing trip or a jet-ski safari.
Cities in Finland
Finland & Beyond

The Finnish Lakeland region, situated in the eastern and central parts of Finland, boasts a blue labyrinth of lakes, islands, rivers and canals. The region is interspersed with forests and ridges stretching for hundreds of miles in a peaceful and spectacular landscape just waiting to be explored.

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